1992. J. Byrne, C. Hadjilambrinos and Y-D. Wang. Proceedings of the 11th Photovoltaic Advanced Research and Development Project Review Meeting
1992 Publications
Energy and Environment: The Policy Challenge
1992. John Byrne and Daniel Rich (eds.). Volume 6 of the Energy and Environmental Policy Series. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction Publishers.
Environmental Commodification and the Industrialization of Native American Lands
1992. John Byrne, Steven M. Hoffman and Cecilia R. Martinez. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the National Association of Science, Technology and Society. Pp. 170-181.
Environmental Ethics and Environmental Activism
1992. Paul T. Durbin. In Frederick Ferr? ed., Technology and the Environment. Vol. 12 in Research in Philosophy and Technology series. JAI Press Inc. Pp. 107-117.
Toward a Political Economy of Climate Change
1992. John Byrne and Dan Rich. In Byrne, John and Dan Rich, eds., Energy and Environment: The Policy Challenge. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction Books. Pp. 269-302.