2006. John Byrne, Noah Toly, and Leigh Glover, eds. Volume 9 in the Energy and Environmental Policy
Series. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction Publishers.
2006 Publications
Introduction: Modern Energy and Modern Society.
2006. John Byrne, Noah Toly, and
Young-Doo Wang. In John Byrne, Noah Toly, and Leigh Glover, eds. Transforming Power:
Energy, Environment, and Society in Conflict. New Brunswick, NJ and London:
Transaction Publishers. Pp. vii-xii.
Energy as a Social Project: Recovering a Discourse.
2006. John Byrne and Noah Toly. In John Byrne, Noah Toly, and Leigh Glover, eds. Transforming Power: Energy,
Environment, and Society in Conflict. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction
Publishers. Pp. 1-32.
From Love-Ins to Logos: Charting the Demise of Renewable Energy as a Social Movement.
2006. Leigh Glover. In John Byrne, Noah Toly, and Leigh Glover, eds. Transforming Power: Energy, Environment, and Society in Conflict. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 249-270.
Hydrogen Highways: Lessons on the Energy Technology-Policy Interface.
2006. A. Waegel, J. Byrne, D. Tobin and B. Haney. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society,
Vol. 26, No. 4. Pp. 288-298.
The Daegu Declaration
2006. International Solar Cities Initiative. Bulletin of Science,Technology and Society, Vol. 26, No. 2. Pp. 76-77.
Can Cities Sustain Life in the Greenhouse?
2006. J. Byrne, K. Hughes, N. Toly and Y-D. Wang. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, Vol. 26, No. 2. Pp. 84-95.
The Solar City Daegu 2050 Project: Visions for a Sustainable City.
2006. J-D. Kim, D-H.Han and J-G. Na. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, Vol. 26, No. 2. Pp. 96-104.
Global trends in agriculture and food systems.
2006. Marie Trydeman Knudsen, N.Halberg, J.E. Olesen, J. Byrne, V. Iyer, and N. Toly. In Niels Halberg et al (eds.), Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects. Oxfordshire , UK : CABI Publishing. Pp. 1-48.
Globalization and sustainable development: a political ecology strategy to realize ecological justice.
2006. John Byrne, Leigh Glover and Hugo F. Alroe. In Niels Halberg et al (eds.), Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects. Oxfordshire , UK : CABI Publishing. Pp. 49-74.
Organic agriculture and ecological justice: ethics and practice.
2006. Hugo Alroe, John Byrne and Leigh Glover. In Niels Halberg et al (eds.), Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects. Oxfordshire , UK : CABI Publishing. Pp. 75-112.
Break-even Price Estimates for Residential PV Applications in OCED Countries with an Analysis of Prospective Cost Reductions.
2006. Daniele Poponi, John Byrne and Steven Hegedus. Energy Studies Review, Vol. 14, No. 1. Pp. 104-117
Freshwater Management in Industrialized Urban Areas: The Role of Water Conservation.
2006. Y-D. Wang, W. Smith, Jr., J. Byrne, M. Scozzafava, et al. In V.Grover, ed., Water: Global Common and Global Problems. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers.