2007. John Byrne, et al. A Briefing Paper to the Delaware State Legislature by the Sustainable Energy Utility Task Force
2007 Publications
The Sustainable Energy Utility: a Delaware First
2007. John Byrne, et al. A Report to the Delaware State Legislature by the Sustainable Energy Utility Task Force.
American policy conflict in the greenhouse: Divergent trends in federal, regional, state, and local green energy and climate change policy.
2007. John Byrne, Kristen Hughes, Wilson Rickerson, and Lado Kurdgelashvili. Energy Policy, Vol. 35, No. 9 (September): 4555-4573. Chinese
Evaluating the potential of small-scale renewable energy options to meet rural livelihoods needs: A GIS- and lifecycle cost-based assessment of Western China’s options.
2007. John Byrne, Aiming Zhou, Bo Shen, Kristen Hughes. Energy Policy, Vol.
35, No. 8 (August): 4391-4401.
CarCarbon©: A CEEP-developed Scenario Analysis Program to Estimate Vehicle Fleet Composition and Emission Effects of Alternative Vehicle Technologies and Fuels
2007.Prepared for the BP Foundation. John Byrne, Alex Waegel, Patrick Meyer, and Jun Tian.
Newark, DE: Center for Energy and Environmental Policy.
Enhancing Sustainability in River Basin Management through Conflict Resolution: Comparative Analysis from the US and South Korea.
2007. Young-Doo Wang, William James Smith, Jr., John Byrne, Michael Scozzafava and Joon-Hee Lee. In Velma I. Grover, ed., Water: A Source of Conflict or Cooperation? Enfield, NH: Science Publishers.