2009. P. Rao, J. Miller, Y-D. Wang and J. Byrne. Energy Policy. Vol. 37: 1694-1712.
2009 Publications
Sustainable Energy Utilities: New Energy Strategy for the New Climate
Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, Vol. 29, No. 2: 79-163. Special issue edited by J. Byrne.
Relocating Energy in the Social Commons: Ideas for a Sustainable Energy Utility
2009. John Byrne, Cecilia Martinez and Colin Ruggero. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, Vol. 29, No. 2: 81-94.
The Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU) Model for Energy Service Delivery
2009. Jason Houck and Wilson Rickerson. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, Vol. 29, No. 2: 95-107.
Sustainable Activism, The Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, and Experimental Learning
2009. Durbin, Paul. Problem of Sustainable Development vol. 4, no. 1: 15-32.
Delaware’s Sustainable Energy Utility
2009. John Byrne and Cecilia Martinez. Delaware Lawyer, summer issue: 26-31