2018. Joseph Nyangon and John Byrne. In Pavel V. Tsvetkov (Ed.), Energy Systems and Environment, IntechOpen, London, UK. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.76023.
Reflections on the state of climate change policy from COP21 to cities
2018. Manfred Fischedick, John Byrne, Lukas Hermwille, Job Taminiau, Hans-Jochen Luhmann, Franziska Stelzer, and Daniel Vallentin. In Rethinking Environmentalism: Linking Justice, Sustainability, and Diversity by Sharachchandra Lele, Eduardo S. Brondizio, John Byrne, Georgina M. Mace, and Joan Martinez-Alier (eds.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ISBN 9780262038966.
Seoul’s sustainable energy action planning: Lesson for cities
2017. John Byrne and Yun Sun-Jin. In One Less Nuclear Power Plant (OLNPP) Reframing Urban Energy Policy: Challenges and Opportunities in the City Seoul. Published by Mayor of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul, South Korea: Seoul Metropolitan Government.
Are solar cities feasible? A review of current research.
2017. John Byrne, Job Taminiau, Jeongseok Seo, Joohee Lee and Soojin Shin. International Journal of Urban Sciences: 1-18. Doi.org/10.1080/12265934.2017.
Automated monitoring and verification to unlock energy efficiency finance: Enhancing investor confidence and customer trust
2017. Job Taminiau, John Byrne, Dustyn Roberts, Mehul Garg, Joseph Nyangon, Yiyang Lin and Jeongseok Seo. Technical Report Prepared for the Delaware General Assembly. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, University of Delaware.
Measuring urban sustainability through common indicators and peer city benchmarking: Assessing sustainability assets for performance improvement and economic and environmental progress in Delaware
2017. John Byrne, Joseph Nyangon, Hannah Deblauwe, Chris Oster, Soojin Shin, Jing Xu, Job Taminiau and Michael Chajes. Technical Report Prepared for the Delaware General Assembly. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, University of Delaware. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Multivariate analysis of solar city economics: impact of energy prices, policy, finance, and cost on urban photovoltaic power plant implementation.
2017. John Byrne, Job Taminiau, Kyung Nam Kim, Jeongseok Seo. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment e241 doi: 10.1002/wene.241
Sustainable business model innovation: Using polycentric and creative climate change governance
2017. J. Taminiau, J. Nyangon, A.S. Lewis and J. Byrne. In Collective Creativity for Responsible and Sustainable Business Practice, Ziska Fields ed. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Pp. 140-159 doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1823-5.ch008
A solar city strategy applied to six municipalities: integrating market, finance, and policy factors for infrastructure-scale photovoltaic development in Amsterdam, London, Munich, New York, Seoul, and Tokyo
2016. John Byrne, Job Taminiau, Kyung Nam Kim, Jeongseok Seo and Joohee Lee. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, v5: 68–88. doi: 10.1002/wene.182.
A review of sustainable energy utility and energy service utility concepts and applications: Realizing ecological and social sustainability with a community utility.
2016. John Byrne and Job Taminiau. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, doi: 10.1002/wene.171.
A Review of the Solar City Concept and Methods to Assess Rooftop Solar Electric Potential, with an Illustrative Application to the City of Seoul
2015. John Byrne, Job Taminiau, Lado Kurdgelashvili and Kyung Nam Kim. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 41, 830–844.
The Promise of a Green Energy Economy
2014. John Byrne, Y-D. Wang, Job Taminiau and Leon Mach. In Byrne and Wang, eds. Green Energy Economics. London & New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. Pp. 1-17.
Shifting from the Economics of Obesity to Sustainable Energy
2010. John Byrne, Francis Hodsoll and Kristen Hughes. Renewable Energy World. February 22.
Sustainable Energy Utilities: New Energy Strategy for the New Climate
Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, Vol. 29, No. 2: 79-163. Special issue edited by J. Byrne.
Relocating Energy in the Social Commons: Ideas for a Sustainable Energy Utility
2009. John Byrne, Cecilia Martinez and Colin Ruggero. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, Vol. 29, No. 2: 81-94.
The Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU) Model for Energy Service Delivery
2009. Jason Houck and Wilson Rickerson. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, Vol. 29, No. 2: 95-107.
Delaware’s Sustainable Energy Utility
2009. John Byrne and Cecilia Martinez. Delaware Lawyer, summer issue: 26-31
A Sustainable Energy Future for Delaware.
2007. John Byrne, et al. A Briefing Paper to the Delaware State Legislature by the Sustainable Energy Utility Task Force
The Sustainable Energy Utility: a Delaware First
2007. John Byrne, et al. A Report to the Delaware State Legislature by the Sustainable Energy Utility Task Force.
Transforming Power: Energy, Environment, and Society in Conflict.
2006. John Byrne, Noah Toly, and Leigh Glover, eds. Volume 9 in the Energy and Environmental Policy
Series. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction Publishers.
Energy as a Social Project: Recovering a Discourse.
2006. John Byrne and Noah Toly. In John Byrne, Noah Toly, and Leigh Glover, eds. Transforming Power: Energy,
Environment, and Society in Conflict. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction
Publishers. Pp. 1-32.
Can Cities Sustain Life in the Greenhouse?
2006. J. Byrne, K. Hughes, N. Toly and Y-D. Wang. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, Vol. 26, No. 2. Pp. 84-95.
Less Energy, a Better Economy, and a Sustainable South Korea: An Energy Efficiency Scenario Analysis.
2002. Young-Doo Wang, John Byrne et al. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. Vol 22, No. 2: 110-122.
Photovoltaics as an Energy Services Technology: A Case Study of PV sited at the Union of Concerned Scientists Headquarters
1998. J. Byrne, S. Letendre, and D. Aitken.Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society Solar 98 Conference, Albuquerque,NM (June 15-17):131-136.
An Equity- and Sustainability-Based Policy Response to Global Climate Change.
John Byrne, Young-Doo Wang, Hoesung Lee and Jong-dall Kim. 1998. Energy Policy. Vol. 26,
No. 4: 335-343.
Equity and Sustainability in the Greenhouse: Reclaiming Our Atmospheric Commons.
1997. John Byrne. Parisar: Pune, India.
The Distributed Utility Concept: Toward a Sustainable Electric Utility Sector
1996.John Byrne, Steven Letendre and Young-Doo Wang. Proceedings of the ACEEE 1996 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Vol. 7: 7.1-7.8.
Photovoltaics as a Demand-Side Management Technology: An Analysis of Peak-Shaving and Direct Load Control Options.
1994. John Byrne, Young-Doo Wang and Steven Hegedus. Progress in Photovoltaics, Vol. 2: 235-48.
Deployment of a Dispatchable Photovoltaic System: Technical and Economic Results
1994. J. Byrne, Y-D. Wang, S. Letendre and C. Govindarajalu. Proceedings of the First World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, IEEE, December 5-9, 1994, Hawaii, USA.
Photovoltaics for Demand-Side Management.
1994. John Byrne and Constantine Hadjilambrinos. Progress in Solar Energy Technologies and Applications: An
Authoritative Review. Boulder CO: American Solar Energy Society. Pp. 22-23.
Environmental Commodification and the Industrialization of Native American Lands
1992. John Byrne, Steven M. Hoffman and Cecilia R. Martinez. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the National Association of Science, Technology and Society. Pp. 170-181.
Energy Needs for Economic Expansion in the Developing World: Trends in the Energy-Development Relationship
1988. Y-D. Wang, J. Byrne, I. Han and K. Ham.
International Programs of the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Energy
Options for the Year 2000, September 1988 Wilmington, DE, USA. Vol. 4: 4.109-4.119.
Policy Science and the Administrative State: The Political Economy of Cost-Benefit Analysis
1987. J. Byrne. In F. Fischer and J. Forester, eds. Confronting Values in Policy
Analysis. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Pp. 51-66